“If the world hates you, understand that it hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own. However, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of it, the world hates you.” – John 15:18-19
Father God, it is hard when people I care for (and sometimes people I barely know) don’t like me. It’s even harder when it’s because of my faith in You. Is it ok to say that this verse offers me comfort?
I feel selfish saying that out loud because You, Jesus, are perfect and I clearly am not. For the world to hate You and the perfect love You give freely to everyone, just doesn’t make sense. You don’t deserve it.
After all, You are by definition Love, not hate.
But because You’ve said that this world that hates me for my faith first hated You, I see my situation differently.
Yes, it still hurts to be hurt by others, but knowing that the reason for my hurt is because You have chosen me as Your own, asked me to be different, set apart from the world, it’s almost a privilege. You transform my hurt from being self-focused, and turn it around to break my heart for the world that doesn’t know You. For the people who attempt to cause me pain, Father, help me to respond in love. Help me to only reflect Your love onto them. And maybe, just maybe, You will use my response to plant a seed of faith. And maybe one day, they will also be set apart from the world, from their former life, and be made new.
Then they will truly know love; not the love from the world, but true love, only from You. Amen.
Thanks so much for joining me for Verse & Prayer today. If you enjoyed this, below are a few more you might like.
– Sarah

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